Protecting Your Home Network


2 min read

Protecting Your Home Network

One of the major ways to avoid security breaches to your personal information is by protecting your home network. There are lots of ways to protect your online security and privacy, and we’ll be discussing them in this article.

Practical Tips on How to Protect Your Home Network

  1. Change default passwords
    Ensure to change all default passwords for your devices and networks to strong and less vulnerable passwords.

    NOTE: Do not use your date of birth or your name as they can easily be guessed by the perpetrator of evil. Use passwords that consist of alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

  2. Install firewalls: Keep your networks and devices safe by installing secure firewalls that cannot be breached easily. This helps filter incoming and outgoing traffic within your home.

  3. Two-factor authentication: Ensure to put in place 2FA wherever possible, especially on online accounts.

  4. Regular Update: Do well to regularly update your device’s software and firmware to ensure that you are up to date with the security update that helps keep your network safer.

  5. Periodical check: Run regular security checks to detect breaches and review your network settings to ensure all devices are secure.

  6. Antivirus and Antimalware: Set up antivirus and antimalware software on your device and regularly run thorough scans of your network.

  7. Public Wi-Fi: Avoid connecting to free and public Wi-Fi networks as they tend to be less secure.

  8. Regular backup: Make sure to create a backup cycle to ensure that no information is lost in the case of a security breach on your network. Create local and cloud backups of your important files and information.

  9. Train family: Let every member of your family be up-to-date on how to detect and control security breaches. Educate them on the importance of security and regularly take them through security-breach detection modes.

  10. Use only a trusted network: Ensure that the network you are using in the home does not steal and sell your information. Run vendor assessment on all networks used within your home.

In conclusion, following and making good use of these tips will go a long way in ensuring your home network remains secure.