It is no news that hackers keep changing tactics to get people to divulge information that should be kept private and with this people keep falling prey to these hackers.
This brings about the questions: How do I create awareness so that my loved ones are off the track of these hackers, How do I protect them from online threats, privacy violations, and digital fraud? How do I keep them alert and off the trails so they don’t start being a bill on my bill? This of course is not just narrowed down to only family members and loved ones but also employers, employees, co-workers, and even your neighbours. This concern therefore leads us to today’s article titled “Fostering a Cybersecurity Culture”
Fostering a Cybersecurity Culture simply means ensuring that individuals are aware of what the risks are, or could be, and understand how to respond to or report such risks. This awareness, in turn, helps better protect an individual/organization by creating a strong line of defense against cyberattacks and possible data breaches, Alexander said.
Having the knowledge that most people are still carefree when it comes to cyberspace, some don’t even understand the “what and what not” in cyberspace, how do we bring to their consciousness these things?
Let's take the case of a woman who was about to fall prey to these hackers. She saw an ad while browsing asking her to click the link to claim 500k. Of course, she was desperate to get cash so she clicked and then called my attention to it. If I wasn't there at that time, she would have fallen prey. I got to understand with this that it is not okay to assume they already know.
Cybersecurity culture has become seemingly important due to rising cyber threats, data privacy concerns and dependence on technology. A strong cybersecurity culture encourages every individual to take responsibility for safeguarding digital resources, fostering a secure and resilient environment. Statistics have shown that since the COVID-19 era, the world has seen an increase in the usage of the internet. In June 2019 (before the pandemic) broadband subscription was 33.31% but by June 2022 there was a 33% increase over the three years. Internet subscribers also increased from 135,743,324 as of March 2022 to 154,437,623 subscribers as of November 2022. (Punch, 2022)
But how do we help in making sure people around are off the hook?
For individuals;
Don’t assume: Create basic awareness of the risks they may face online and how to maneuver. Emphasize the need to use strong and unique passwords,
Chip in the importance of avoiding suspicious links and not making transactions with an unsecured link (HTTP instead of HTTPS) to avoid stories that touch the heart,
Help them recognize phishing and social engineering attacks, review security policies,
Enable the Two-factor Authentication (2FA) and the setup for all other accounts, stress the importance of backup and be physically secured especially in public places.
By helping your neighbors, family and friends become more aware of online risks and equipping them with the tools and knowledge to protect themselves, you contribute to their digital safety and peace of mind.
For organizations;
The role of leadership in fostering a cybersecurity culture cannot be over emphasized. There’s a need for top-down commitment to cybersecurity practices and policies.
Training and awareness programs for all employees to keep them updated on emerging threats.
Collaborations within and across each section should not be overlooked.
Policies and procedures should be well-defined.
Everybody should be responsible and accountable for security in their various sections
In today's digital age, cybersecurity must be treated not just as a process but as a mindset. Humans are the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain, but they are also the greatest agents of change when adopting a security-first mindset. A culture of cybersecurity is one where everyone shares responsibility in keeping personal, business and customer information secure.